Why Choose Solar Sooner Than Later?
Delaying the investment in a solar installation essentially means delaying your potential savings on utility bills and incentives. Deciding on an installation in 2021 is recommended for many reasons, both tangible and intangible. First and foremost, the sun is a...
Solar Systems and Maintenence
Solar Systems and Maintenance Keeping your array clean and free from debris is the most important when it comes to maintenance of a roof mounted solar array. Although panels are durable and last around 25 or more years (*dependent on environment, etc.), there is no...
How Long Will it Take to Pay Off the Cost of My Solar System?
For the majority of Endries Solar and Electric’s residential customers, systems are paid off within 7-10 years, with most of our commercial installations seeing a quicker payback at around 5-7 years. Seeing as most panels are guaranteed to last up to 25 years, (Solar...
Does Solar Make Sense in Wisconsin’s Cold Climate?
With the temperature decreasing and snow coming down, it seems sensical to ask this question. Short answer: Yes. Solar systems are still productive, cost-effective, and a clean, sustainable energy source even in our cold and snowy months. Based on the price of...