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200 S Business Park Dr.
Unit 5
Oostburg, WI 53070

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8:00am – 5:00pm

(920) 889-8955

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Solar FAQs


Does solar make sense in Wisconsin's colder climate?

Based on the price of electricity in Wisconsin, with an average of 14¢ per Kwh and an average amount of sun exposure, solar power is 3% more cost-effective in Wisconsin than in the rest of the nation.

**Miami, FL receives an average of 5.62 sun hours per day. Madison, WI receives an average of 4.29 sun hours per day. 1 sun hour equals 1 KW of solar energy per 1 sq. meter.

How do I know what size system is the best for my home?

Endries Solar & Electric will custom design and install a solar system that will best align with the electrical consumption of your lifestyle. Current energy consumption, future energy consumption expectations, available space and cost will all be details discussed with your Endries Solar and Electric solar consultant in determining what size system is best suited for you.

Incentives & Financing

Are there any federal and state incentives available to help cover the cost of my installation?

Through 2023, homeowners and businesses are eligible to receive a federal solar investment tax credit equal to 30% of the total cost of their solar energy system installation. This credit is available on installations on a homeowner’s primary and/or secondary residence and is limited to the taxpayer’s tax liability (nonrefundable credit), but can be carried over to subsequent years.

Most solar installations are also eligible for Wisconsin’s Focus on Energy Renewable Energy rebates. Focus on Energy rebates are limited, reserved on a first-come, first-serve basis, and depleting quickly.

See residential solar PV incentives and eligibility requirements here: https://www.focusonenergy.com/residential#program-renewable-energy

See participating utilities here: https://www.focusonenergy.com/about/participating-utilities

Homeowners with eligible installations will receive a $300 rebate, with an additional $300 offered to those who reside in a designated rural zip code.

See eligible rural zip codes here: https://www.focusonenergy.com/sites/default/files/inline-files/2020_Renewable_Zip_Code_List.pdf.

See business solar PV incentives here: https://www.focusonenergy.com/programs/solar-electric-systems

Is financing available for solar system purchases?

Yes. Your Endries Solar and Electric solar consultant will be glad to tell you about your options and strategies homeowners have utilized in the past. **Homeowners that finance is eligible for the same Focus on Energy rebate and 30% Federal Tax Credit as homeowners that do not elect to finance.**

Is it possible to be cash flow positive throughout my financing term?

Yes. Believe it or not, many homeowners and businesses can remain cash flow positive throughout the term of their loan. By taking a term that has monthly payments of less than or equal to their monthly savings they substitute their pre-solar payment to the utility for a payment towards their loan. When their Focus on Energy rebate and Federal Tax Credit are received homeowners/businesses have the option to pay down their loan further, increasing the gap of current loan payment and what they would have paid their utility. This gap continues to increase as retail electric rates increase and your loan payment stays the same.

Can I purchase a solar system with no money down?

Yes, we work with lenders that have flexible loan structures with highly competitive rates offering no money down.

Will my property taxes go up after installing a solar system?

In states and municipalities that have a property tax exemption for solar energy, the addition of a solar energy system to your home will not increase the assessed value of your home. Wisconsin property taxes will not increase due to adding a solar energy system. Realtors report that home’s with solar sell faster and can command a premium of 5-10% more.

How long will it take to pay off the cost of my system?

Currently, the majority our residential systems’ payoff periods range from 7 to 10 years. Commercial systems are typically in the 5 to 7 year payback range. Your Endries Solar and Electric estimate will include a detailed projection of savings over the life of your system.

Maintenance & Monitoring

Can I monitor my solar system's production?

Yes, all the systems we install allow you to view your solar system online. If you have the internet at your site, we can connect to it.

What maintenance will I be responsible for after my system is installed?

Keeping your array clean and free from debris is the most important when it comes to maintenance of a roof mounted solar array. Ensuring all the components are working optimally is another way to maintain your system and can be done with wireless monitoring on your smartphone, tablet or computer from anywhere. For ground mounted arrays, keeping the foliage around the array trimmed is very important. Scheduling a visit by your certified installer to check your system every few years is always a good idea.

How long can I expect my system to last?

Systems are expected to last 30+ years. All of the panels that Endries Solar and Electric install have panel production warranties of 25 years.

Will hail damage my solar panels?

Yes, solar panels could get damaged by hailstones, especially if their sizes are greater than 2 inches. However, solar panels are designed and tested to endure severe hailstorms and other weather conditions that will not allow solar panels to break easily.

Energy Storage

Will I also lose power when the utility power goes out and my neighbor's lost power?

For the majority of solar energy systems, yes. These systems use the utility grid as the backup for their solar energy system. If you choose to install a battery backup system, your system can maintain power even though the power goes out.

Do you offer battery storage options?

Endries Solar and Electric is a certified installer of Tesla and Enphase Energy Storage systems. Battery storage allows a homeowner full home backup, or to power their critical loads when power is not available from the utility grid.