Most people know that solar installations take the sun’s light and convert it into energy, however how does this work? While there are very complex definitions and articles available, and our knowledgeable electricians would be happy to dive deeper into those finer...
All Residential Solar Posts
Will a Solar Installation Damage My Roof?
One of the most common questions prior to installation is, “Will the system damage my roof?” We completely understand the concern here, as you are adding weight, and also altering the foundation of your roof. Choosing the right installer is crucial to making the...
Solar Systems and Maintenence
Solar Systems and Maintenance Keeping your array clean and free from debris is the most important when it comes to maintenance of a roof mounted solar array. Although panels are durable and last around 25 or more years (*dependent on environment, etc.), there is no...
Does Solar Make Sense in Wisconsin’s Cold Climate?
With the temperature decreasing and snow coming down, it seems sensical to ask this question. Short answer: Yes. Solar systems are still productive, cost-effective, and a clean, sustainable energy source even in our cold and snowy months. Based on the price of...