Sunnier days do mean more production from your solar system. However, solar energy production does not directly correlate with the heat index. This gives Wisconsin residents and business owners an unexpected advantage regarding solar benefits. As Wisconsin...
All Commercial Solar Posts
What is Net Metering?
If you have been looking into purchasing a solar installation, you have more than likely come across the term “net metering”. This billing method plays a large part in the savings that a solar system provides, but what does it mean? Otherwise called “net energy...
“Solar Distancing”
Endries Solar & Electric recognizes and sympathizes with how everyone has been impacted by Covid-19. Although our lives too have been affected by the pandemic, we are very blessed to be in an industry able to quickly adapt to the “new normal”. By following CDC...
Why Spring is the Optimal Time to Purchase Your Solar Installation
Although solar installations provide their benefits year-round, Spring is an optimal time to make the investment. If your solar system is installed in the Spring, you will reap the benefits of the longest days of the year in the Summer. Summer hosts more sunshine...
Avoiding the Out-of-Pocket Upfront Cost of Your Solar Installation
We talk a lot about the numerous benefits of a solar installation, as many people are looking into purchasing a system. Initially there tends to be hesitation before investing in a system. Along with the substantial financial benefits to owning a system, there can...
Ground vs. Roof-Mounted Solar Installations
Upon deciding on making the switch to solar energy, another question arises: Is a ground-mounted or roof-mounted system more beneficial for you? Ultimately, there is no “best” option. Although roof-mounted arrays seem to be the most common, it is important for a...
Solar Panels & Differing Roof Types
The main concern when it comes to solar installations and roofing is the condition of the roof. As long your roof is in good condition, we can install on nearly any roofing material. With most solar panels possessing a lifespan of 25-30 years, it is important to...
How Does a Solar Installation Work: A Basic Breakdown
Most people know that solar installations take the sun’s light and convert it into energy, however how does this work? While there are very complex definitions and articles available, and our knowledgeable electricians would be happy to dive deeper into those finer...
Solar Systems and Maintenence
Solar Systems and Maintenance Keeping your array clean and free from debris is the most important when it comes to maintenance of a roof mounted solar array. Although panels are durable and last around 25 or more years (*dependent on environment, etc.), there is no...
Does Solar Make Sense in Wisconsin’s Cold Climate?
With the temperature decreasing and snow coming down, it seems sensical to ask this question. Short answer: Yes. Solar systems are still productive, cost-effective, and a clean, sustainable energy source even in our cold and snowy months. Based on the price of...